Who is Mercator and how did he impact mapmaking

In studying ch 1 on Mercator i found three “sub-themes” and I expanded on one of them highlighted in bold.

  • Mercator’s legacy was Instantaneous
  • He had very specific ideas with he atlas
  • the people of the time draw the parallels between the human body and maps and the world 

The ideas we talked about in class with map makers making choices and making errors or censoring things or making omissions I didn’t expect to be so obvious here even with the first world atlas with what Mercator was doing with drawing the parallels to Genesis this Thinking that the Cartographer will  replace  the theologian is a bit of a stretch and additionally has he has many subtexts in like even in the subtitle of the text Additionally poetically you know that the map will eventually become you know a poetic standpoint.  personally I believe that the map should just be a tool it should just be a layout of a piece of land and should tell you where everything is we don’t need to get fancy with it. 


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