Worldviews 1 on Judaism

Listening to this event I think was very insightful as I always leap at the chance to learn more about religions in which I’m not familiar with or really anything that I’m not you know well versed and I thought this discussion was extremely insightful in that almost just like Christianity there are divisions and sects and lines another such thing I think the repeated adages of that we are all one family under one Torah you know we were all brothers and sisters I thought that was extremely particular as despite the division beside the differences they still consider everyone to be under the same roof no matter what differences in beliefs they may have which I think is extremely important I think like trying to trace any religion back 2,000 years you are going to find a lot of disparities but I think in doing this and a hearing the rabbi speak I think I found that there are more similar than one might have initially imagined.I really appreciated the willingness of the rabbi to talk about everything you know about whatever he heard you know and to talk about it you know I think a lot of times you know modern and contemporary religions you know spiritual leaders are unwilling to talk about certain topics and you know I commend the rabbi for just talking about you know whatever came up I think that’s really important 


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