
In the last thirty years, mapping has come a long way. p16 Hall

In the last 3 decades advancement in mapping has been significant  

In the last thirty years  mapping technology has changed drastically

Three decades ago maps looked very different. 

My mother, I should note, has always been fastidious about our family’s recordkeeping. p1 Waters

My mum was always very concerned about the content and accuracy of our family’s records

I should say my mother was meticulous in her recordkeeping.

My mother, I should note, was painstakingly detailed about our family records 

In doing this exercise my vocabulary was stretched to find new and interesting ways to phrase the same sentence over and over. I think the way I paraphrase was very important as that really is how you know you wanted disseminate you you want to have the same sentence mean the same thing as many ways as possible and a lot of that comes through by having a knowledge of various words and how to phrase different things in the syntax of stuff.


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